miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2018



these are activities you have to keep in mind:

  • Next class there will be a QUIZ about UNIT 7.
  • HOMEWORK: Write your own daily routine, mention fifteen different activities and include the time (in words). Write a paragraph and not isolated sentences. Do it in a piece of paper to hand it out next class.
  • Example: "I wake up at thirty past seven and have breakfast at thirty-five past seven . Then I take a shower at ten to eight and get dressed. I leave home at twenty past eight  and go to university. My classes start at nine o'clock and finish at five o'clock. After university, I go to the gym until thirty past five. Then, I go home. I eat dinner at eight o'clock. After dinner, I do homework and then I watch TV. I go to bed at twelve o'clock."


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