miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2018

HOMEWORK WEEK 8 (Oct. 1-5)

Hello students,
here you will find your homework to hand out next week, Oct. 8-12.

Solve the homework in a piece of paper and hand it out next week.


A. Read the text below and answer the questions.
  1. What do couples do after the first date in Brazil? 
  2. What does men usually do on the first date in USA?
  3. What does couples usually do at the end of dates in Netherlands?
  4. How does a French woman know if a man is serious about dating?
  5. How do you pay the bill when going out with friends in Korea?
  6. Who ask out on a date in Australia?
  7. Who pays for the date in Mexico?
  8. What does “fika” mean?
  9. What does men bring to dates in Russia?
  10. In what countries is not common to show affection in public?
  11. In what countries generally men pay for the date?
  12. What is important on a date, in Japan?
  13. How are months or years counted for anniversaries in Korea? 
  14. What other plans do people make in Sweden?
  15. How would a Russian woman feel if asked to split the bill?
  16. Does people in Netherlands and Russia dress up similar for dates? Describe the clothes. 
B. Write a similar text about Colombia, include: 
  • who ask out, 
  • how and who pay for the date, 
  • activities for a date,
  • clothes for dating,
  • any other curious/typical customs.
Write minimum 50 words.

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