lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2018


Hello students,
This post has 2 objectives:

1) Remind you about the homework for this week: It is written (its intructions) on the photocopy we worked on last week, the one about chores/housework, and you can take as an example the text from exercise D.

Just in case, this is the example text and instruction:

Text (exercise already solved)

I think in my house my mother does most of the housework. She 1 makes the meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner), 2 cleans the bathroom and 3 does the ironing.
On the other hand, I 4 do the dishes and 5 make the beds. I also 6 do the grocery shopping.
My father helps, too. He 7 takes out the garbage, 8 does the laundry and 9 sweeps the floor using a broom, in general he 10 cleans the house.
Nowadays, we don’t have a vacuum cleaner, but I like to do the vacuuming because it is fast and effective. On the contrary, I hate to walk the dog because he is a big dog and he pulls strongly! 


Write a similar text to the previous one, mentioning what chores you and your relatives do. Also, say what chores you like and hate to do, and why. Minimum 15 sentences/chores. 

2) Here you will find explanations and exercises to practice and review the topic CHORES/ HOUSEWORK.

Vocabulary (explanation)


Explanation LIKE/HATE


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